The trending beauty practice that will save you hundreds!

2 min readJul 7, 2021

You may or may not have heard of the trending beauty practice of ‘Skinimalism’, but I tell you what I’ve been doing it for years.

The reason I’m so on the ball with this trend is simply because I’m off the ball with the whole skincare/makeup routine; basically, I don’t have one! I never wear makeup (full disclosure — except as a bridesmaid at my sister’s wedding) and you’re lucky if my face sees much more than water and shampoo running down it.

Finally! My minimalist approach is deemed as the best thing you can do for your skin, for once in my life I’m on trend — whoop whoop.

This beauty trend has arrived due to the fact that most people are overdoing it, which isn’t all that surprising.

I blame marketing — there are so many things we read that say if you just do this or buy this one product, your skin will glow, your wrinkles will fade, your face will become as soft as a baby’s bum…

The problem is there are thousands of articles/products saying exactly the same thing and as a result, most people are now doing way too much and that’s actually doing more harm than good.

Hello Skinimalism — which means stripping back to the bare essentials; saving your face and your wallet! A trend I can totally get on board with. The stats say the average woman spends £870 a year on her face (if you could see my face right now, shock is what you’d see — and nothing else).

Do you know what the secret is to the best skin you can have?

Drinking plenty of water, eating a balanced diet, getting plenty of sleep, using a good sunscreen when you’re outdoors, and making sure you wash your face with good ol’ water to remove the grime at the end of the day before you go to bed! That’s it. By all means use a moisturiser or if you enjoy wearing makeup a moisturising foundation, but keep it as simple as you can.

And hey give your skin even more of a boost by taking all that dosh you’ve saved and book yourself a relaxing week away — much much better for you than a bunch of lotions and potions!

Less is more,


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