Have you heard about the latest cure for anxiety?

2 min readJul 7, 2021

With 37.2 trillion cells co-existing in your body (you are impressive), it’s easy to understand how you can become unbalanced, particularly when life is chaotic, stressful, and exhausting; it’s difficult to stay with the natural flow when you’re working too hard, going to bed late, skipping meals, inhaling fumes on a daily commute… am I getting close?

And yes, of course, we’d all love to disappear on a wellness retreat, sit in a cool breeze, listen to the sound of waves and let the mind wander and body relax, but we have to be realistic. Life is nuts! And we don’t have the time or money for this kind of serenity. So, we need other solutions.

This is exactly why Ear Seeds have arrived on the scene; originating from Ancient Chinese Medicine, these are micro gold balls/studs (named ‘seeds’) which you strategically place on pressure points within the ear (they just stick) and they can help everything from stress and anxiety to migraines and stomach aches; it’s basically acupuncture in tiny-form.

Did you know every point on the ear corresponds to a part of the body?

Ear Seeds are relatively cheap and seem like a very easy way to offset some of the trials of modern life; I’m ‘hearing’ only good things about them!

In the wind,


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Daily you’ll find me (Jem) researching, writing, creating and drinking lots of tea; working to find you some conversational gems.